Leather Bound Hebrew-English Bible (NASB), with zipper

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This leather-bound, zippered, Hebrew-English Bible features both the Old and New Testament. Hebrew and English translations are shown side by side making it easy to follow and translate.

This Bible is wonderful for those learning Hebrew as the text is displayed with vowels to aid pronunciation.  This feature is especially useful if you are practicing reading the Torah scroll at your local church or synagogue.  

The English translation is the New American Standard Bible (NASB) version which is known as a more literal translation.  The Old Testament Hebrew is from the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, and the New Testament Hebrew text is in Modern Hebrew.  One thing you'll notice about this Bible is that it opens to the right, which is opposite from the way most of us are used to.  It's quite remarkable to be able to see (and read) the Old Testament in its original form (with added vowels of course!).  Whether you're a proficient Hebrew reader or aspiring newcomer, you will love this unique Bible.

This Bible is produced and printed by the Bible Society in Israel.  We have imported it to the USA and offer it with Free Shipping and fast delivery.